This is my look of the day and Jewellery of the day.
I was going for a fresh, fuss free look, so I'm not wearing too much jewelery no too much makeup (not that I usually do but I really kept it to a minimum) and I also forgot to take a pic of my earrings. Will update the post in a few hours with that.
Today, I was wearing:
My Six Rose Gold watch that I've been wearing everyday since I got it. I don't think the store retails online though. But you can find the same kind of watch at Asos.
This ring has been my favorite for about 6 years or so, I wear it most of the time. I really like it because it's actually two rings, one with the flower and the other one with the butterfly. It wasn't expensive and it's gold plated but I really love it. Maybe because it's the first peice of jewelry I got with my first salary after I came to France. It has great sentimental value =)
This ring I always wear on my right thumb and I never take it off, I remember it changing colour once when I was relaxing someone's hair back in French Guyana (I was a Hair dresser =) ) and my mom "saved" it with some crushed pepper leaves. It's silver and it doesn't have any particular significance, it's just part of me now I guess. I elmost feel kinda naked if I don't wear it so I just keep it there.
This is a recent purchase as I've been looking for ages for a nice silver ring to wear on my right hand. I do have the previous one but it's on my thumb whereas this one is on my middle finger. I wanted it to be thin and delicate but not too frgile because I like to keep this kind of stuff for a veeeeery long time =) I'm not sure what the stone is but I'll find out if anyone wants to know.
This si my dearly beloved Shambala bracelet. I don't really wear it that much because of the strings that hang. It can be a bit annoying sometimes cuz I'm always shaking my hands, I'm a fidgety one.
And this is an ankle bracelet I bought in the beginning of spring and never wore because the weather was so ugly I couldn't wear anything besides tall boots.
I also have this necklace that I also wear almost everyday, I got it as a gift.
It has an opal stone, a Fatma hand and a little "Om" medalion. I really like it becasue the chain is really thin an dainty. =)
so that's it for now. If I switch things up a bit I'll post about it. I still have some things that I've never worn because I was waiting for the weather to be really nice. But now that it is I guess I will =)
P.S.: Here are some very awkward and shaky pics of the earrings but you can see them better in this post.
Everyone in the park where I usually have lunch must think I'm crazy cuz I was snapping pics of my ears in plain sight O_o. Well, u gotta do what u gotta do right? ;)
Have a wonderful day!
See you! Bye!