Friday, April 13, 2012

Hey again!

As promised I will show u guys what I did following this blog post, but first off, I'd like to warn you all, I'm not used to taking pictures of food so if the photos seem dodgy sorry. Am still learning.

So here goes!

The first juice that I made had carrots, strawberries and bananas. I'm not quite used to this kind of juice so I also added a bit of cinnamon.

there weren't a lot of strawberries because I didn't want the acidity of the strawberries to be too overwhelming, also I cut up the carrots because I was scared that it would be the end of my blender (a cheap one I got essentially to make milkshakes ^^). I also forgot to take pictures of the bananas, but I'm sure you guys have all already seen a banana before =P

So what I did is:
1) I put some milk in the blender and added the bananas (I put the milk so that I wouldn't get some kind of paste),

2) then I added the carrot pieces one by one for fear of the blender not being up to the job,

3)I added the strawberries and some cinnamon and blended for a while then I put the blender on turbo for about two minutes.

Hmmm, it was really tasty , and since I added milk and not water it was quite creamy too.
I did almost the same thing two days later using apples instead of the strawberries and I think I prefered the strawberries ^^

Well that's it for the juice, I will update you with some pictures of the pancakes I made with the rest of the juice and some pancake batter.

Update: Here are the pancakes I made, I think because of the fruits in it, it burnt a bit. I'm not used to pancakes burning so fast. Since it wasn't too bad, we still ate them and you could clearly taste the bananas. I'm so gonna make some banana pancakes soon =)

Pancake batter 

The burn victims >_<'

The ones that got away. ^^

I know I said I would post some LOTDs but I don't wanna put everything in the same post so I'm keeping that for the next post and there will also be the famous haul post. I did buy more stuff yesterday, and I might get some more in the mail throughout the weekend so I'll keep you posted on that too.

As a teezer I'll post my look from yesterday, I've been doing these quite often these days as I'm pretty uninspired in the morning.

Until next time, Take care.

See you! Bye!



  1. that's a great smoothie recipe. your eye shape is so pretty, too

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for visiting, and also for your comment, it means a lot. =)


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